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Gambling and Crime Among Arrestees: Exploring the Link

July 2004
How is gambling related to crime? This NIJ Research for Practice explores gambling among arrestees in two U.S. cities-Las Vegas and Des Moines-and finds significantly more problem gambling among arrestees than in the general population. It also examines whether compulsive or pathological gamblers fit any particular profile, what percentage are arrested for felony and misdemeanor offenses, and how they differ from less serious gamblers. Consider this. Many compulsive or pathological gamblers got their start only after getting involved with drugs and alcohol or criminal activities. Criminals are at greater risk for developing pathological gambling habits but less likely to receive treatment, even though gambling is a prime motivation for many of their crimes. The authors suggest that jurisdictions must better prepare for the ill effects of problem gambling by, for example, developing screening and treatment programs in detention centers and jails to identify potential problem gamblers.