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All expense paid trip for D.A.R.E. students and their Officers

Online Conference Registration now available

Prescription for Disaster: How Teens Abuse Medicine

Teens Display Risky Behaviors on MySpace

First Canadian D.A.R.E. Conference -U.S. Officers Invited


Drug Abuse Prevention Among Youth Works

The DARE program and our drug abuse prevention efforts are not only effective, but are cost-effective. For each dollar spent, drug prevention has been shown to save at least four dollars in costs for drug abuse treatment and counseling.

If other costs to society, such as crime, unemployment and other health costs were to be counted, the cost effectiveness of good drug abuse prevention is likely to be even greater.


The "New" DARE Program

The "New" DARE program, the pioneer prevention effort founded in 1983, is now high-tech, interactive, and decision-model-based. Gleaming with the latest in prevention science and teaching techniques ....MORE







The Silent Epidemic - 

Kids and Pharmaceutical Abuse


Drug abuse trends change – DARE America responds. There are now alarming increases in the abuse of prescription drugs and Over-the-Counter medicines.....MORE



Thanks To My D.A.R.E. Officer

I would like to thank my awesome DARE Officer for teaching my classmates and me all about how to be drug free, not to fall for peer pressure and how to make the best decisions possible.. .MORE







D.A.R.E. Mall

Welcome to the D.A.R.E. Mall. Now everyone --not just D.A.R.E. Officers--can purchase exclusive D.A.R.E. products and help support the D.A.R.E. program...MORE

           What is D.A.R.E.?

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons taught from Kindergarten though 12th grade. 

The D.A.R.E. program is more than just drug prevention education; it teaches students good decision making skills to help them avoid high-risk behavior to ensure they grow up healthy, safe and secure. 

 The totally new D.A.R.E. curricula integrates the latest in research-based strategies into the world's largest and most effective educational delivery network----D.A.R.E.

Learn more...

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School Counselors/Nurses click here for Rx & OTC presentation materials.

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