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Marriott International Inc.

Sustained Excellence
Marriott International Inc.
Bethesda, Maryland

Marriott International Inc. is a leading lodging company with about 3,000 properties located in the United States and 67 other countries and territories. In 2007, Marriott continued to lead the hospitality industry in the energy management efforts that are the core of its environmental initiatives. The company significantly reduced its environmental footprint and again achieved impressive cost savings. This is the second time Marriott has received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence recognition. Key accomplishments include:

  • Saving nearly $7.8 million in 2007 on energy bills-equivalent to a cost reduction of $0.13 per occupied room night, or an increase in the company's average daily room rate of $0.15.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 3 percent per available room since 2004-putting Marriott well on track to meet its goal under EPA's Climate Leaders program of achieving a 6 percent reduction per available room by 2010. Benchmarking the energy performance of more than 95 percent of its properties using EPA's energy performance rating system.
  • Earning the ENERGY STAR for more than 200 hotel properties to date in more than 20 states.
  • Expanding on initiatives that have resulted in superior achievements in energy efficiency, such as the Marriott Retro-Commissioning program, the appointment of an Energy Champion for each property, the installation of alternative laundry systems, and procurement policies requiring ENERGY STAR qualified products and more efficient building equipment.

In 2007, Marriott increased efforts to promote employee awareness of energy efficiency by organizing its first "Green Fair" to present Marriott associates with ideas on how to "go green" at home and at work and by continuing outreach well beyond this single event. Marriott emphasized employee involvement in energy efficiency through daily meetings, its Intranet, electronic communications, online training, and rewards for energy efficiency solutions.

Marriott continues to publicly promote its successful participation in the ENERGY STAR program and has made energy efficiency a cornerstone of its expanding sustainability and climate efforts. Never resting on previous accomplishments, Marriott has set a new goal to increase the number of properties earning the ENERGY STAR by 33 percent in 2008.