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EBSA Federal Register Notice

Publication of Year 2007 Form M-1 With Electronic Filing Option, Notice [12/12/2007]

[PDF Version]

Volume 72, Number 238



Employee Benefits Security Administration

Publication of Year 2007 Form M-1 With Electronic Filing Option, 

AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor.

ACTION: Notice on the Availability of the Year 2007 Form M-1 with 
Electronic Filing Option.


SUMMARY: This document announces the availability of the Year 2007 Form 
M-1, Annual Report for Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements and 
Certain Entities Claiming Exception. It is substantively identical to 
the 2006 Form M-1. The Form M-1 may again be filed electronically over 
the Internet.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For inquiries regarding the Form M-1 
filing requirement, contact Amy Turner or Beth L. Baum, Office of 
Health Plan Standards and Compliance Assistance, at (202) 693-8335. For 
inquiries regarding how to obtain or file a Form M-1, see the 


I. Background

    The Form M-1 is required to be filed under section 101(g) and 
section 734 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as 
amended (ERISA), and 29 CFR 2520.101-2.

II. The Year 2007 Form M-1

    This document announces the availability of the Year 2007 Form M-1, 
Annual Report for Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs) and 
Certain Entities Claiming Exception (ECEs). This year's Form M-1 is 
substantively identical to the Year 2006 Form M-1. The electronic 
filing option has been retained and filers are encouraged to use this 
method. The Year 2007 Form M-1 is due March 3, 2008, with an extension 
until May 2, 2008 available.
    The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) is committed 
to working together with administrators to help them comply with this 
filing requirement. Copies of the Form M-1 are available on the 
Internet at In addition, 
after printing, copies will be available by calling the EBSA toll-free 
publication hotline at 1-866-444-EBSA (3272). Questions on completing 
the form are being directed to the EBSA help desk at (202) 693-8360. 
For questions regarding the electronic filing capability, contact the 
EBSA computer help desk at (202) 693-8600.
    Statutory Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1021-1024, 1027, 1029-1031, 1059, 
1132, 1134, 1135, 1181-1183, 1181 note, 1185, 1185a-b, 1191, 1191a-c; 
Secretary of Labor's Order No. 1-2003, 68 FR 5374 (February 2, 2003).

    Signed at Washington, DC this 6th day of December, 2007.
Bradford P. Campbell,
Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits Security Administration.
 [FR Doc. E7-24040 Filed 12-11-07; 8:45 am]


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