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Ithaca Housing Authority

Ithaca, New York

ENERGY STAR Award for Excellence

Ithaca Housing Authority is a public housing agency designed to provide affordable housing to low-income residents. By incorporating ENERGY STAR into the housing units it manages and operates, the Ithaca Housing Authority provides truly affordable housing for those in greatest need. Ithaca Housing Authority also encourages other housing authorities to pursue energy efficiency improvements. Major accomplishments of this agency include:

·         Requiring all contractors to use only ENERGY STAR qualified products.

·         Installing significant energy-saving measures in 341 multifamily public housing units at its Titus Towers properties for an estimated savings of more than 2.2 billion Btu and 225,000 kWh annually, as well as in its Family Sites properties for an estimated savings of more than 600 million Btu and 37,000 kWh annually.

·         Entering into an energy performance contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in an effort to consume less energy, reduce water usage, save money, improve the comfort of tenants, and protect the environment.