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Whitefish Bay School District

Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin

ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year

Whitefish Bay School District is located in southeastern Wisconsin and educates approximately 2,900 students in two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. Whitefish Bay School District is receiving ENERGY STAR recognition for adopting an energy management strategy to promote the responsible use of both fiscal and natural resources. The school district is also an active participate in the Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor's ENERGY STAR School Challenge. This is the first time Whitefish Bay School District has received ENERGY STAR recognition. Key accomplishments include:

·         Reducing energy use by more than 20% across the district's building portfolio and being recognized as an ENERGY STAR Leader for reaching this important milestone.

·         Achieving an EPA average energy performance rating of 75 or greater, thus earning EPA recognition as a Top Performer.

·         Earning the ENERGY STAR for all four of its schools.

·         Saving almost $1 million since 2003.

·         Working with Energy Education, Inc. to develop a behavior-driven energy improvement program that empowered students and staff to help increase the energy efficiency of the district's facilities and control rising energy costs.