ARM data sets are featured in the latest issue of GEWEX News.
ARM data sets are featured in the latest issue of GEWEX News.

In the latest newsletter of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX), the opening commentary features the use of data acquired from the ARM Climate Research Facility’s Southern Great Plains site. The detailed data sets are described as a “benchmark against which [global climate model] GCM developers can compare their model codes for cloud-free, liquid cloud and ice cloud conditions.”

GEWEX is a program initiated by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) to observe, understand, and model the hydrological cycle and energy fluxes in the atmosphere, at land surface, and in the upper oceans. GEWEX activities in the climate change area can be broadly classified as: (1) studying climate processes and feedbacks that account for changes in climate; (2) developing and distributing data sets to facilitate the identification of variability and trends in water cycle variables and to improve process representation in global and regional climate models; and (3) carrying out model studies to assess the relative importance of factors that could contribute to climate change.

For more information, read the August 2006 issue of GEWEX News (Volume 16, No.3).