Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s ARM Program, NASA, NOAA, and the World Climate Research Program and Meteo France, the 4th PAN-GCSS meeting will be held June 2-6, 2008, at Meteo-France, in Toulouse, France. The GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) investigates cloud systems, their role in the climate system and their representation in models with a view to improving our capability to predict weather and climate using state-of the-art modeling and data assimilation systems. GCSS will hold a meeting to review and discuss “Advances in Modeling and observing Clouds and Convection.” Key areas to be discussed at this meeting are:

  • New observations and recent field campaigns
  • Tropical Convection
  • High Resolution Modeling on Large Domains
  • Cloud Climate Feedbacks

A list of confirmed keynote speakers and additional info can be found at The 4th PAN-GCSS meeting website. Contributions to the meeting are sought in these key areas as well as in all other areas of cloud research.

Download the meeting announcement (PDF, 68KB) for more details.