Home > Partner Resources > New Home Industry > Utility or Energy-Efficiency Program Sponsor: Getting Started as a Partner > Send EPA a Customized Partnership Agreement and Commitment Form

Send EPA a Customized Partnership Agreement and Commitment Form

For a new partnership, request and sign a customized Partnership Agreement and complete the Commitment Form indicating the market segment you wish to target. The customized Partnership Agreement and Commitment Form can be requested from ENERGY STAR at join@energystar.gov. Please include your contact information, company name, and your market area (residential new construction market) in the e-mail. Also, please review the Program Requirements for Regional Program Implementors PDF and the ENERGY STAR Identity Guidelines.

If you are already an ENERGY STAR Partner but wish to expand your partnership to include the residential new construction market, simply complete and return a new Commitment Form PDF.

E-mail or mail the Partnership Agreement and/or Commitment Form to ENERGY STAR at join@energystar.gov or to:

c/o ICF International
1725 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington DC, 20006

Once you become a partner, you will receive a Welcome Aboad Packet in the mail containing a copy of your Partnership Agreement and information on how to use ENERGY STAR to further your business objectives. You will also receive via e-mail a user ID and password to download ENERGY STAR logos from our Web site. Please allow 2–3 weeks for delivery of the Welcome Aboard Packet.

Go to guidance on program design and implementation.