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projects > south florida surface water monitoring network for the support of MAP projects > abstract

Surfacing Daily Everglades Water Depths for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network

Monica E. Palaseanu, Ikuko Fujisaki, Leonard Pearlstine and Frank J. Mazzotti
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Davie, FL, USA

The Everglades Depth Estimation Network, EDEN, is designed to relate daily continuous surfaces of water level created from data collected daily at locations throughout the Everglades to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) high-accuracy (RMS = 4.1 cm) elevation data collection for approximately 8,100 square kilometers within the Everglades and to convert those water levels to water depths. These data will provide RECOVER MAP scientists and principal investigators with spatially-continuous hydrologic data and information through an interactive web-based GIS map.

Development of surfacing algorithms began in the initial EDEN study area consists of the freshwater domain of the Greater Everglades module with 178 water level gages that provided historical data for October 1999 through September 2005. Approximately a third of these stages have head and tail readings. Hourly water level data for the historical period were compiled for all existing water level gages in the study area and converted to NAVD 1988 vertical datum using correction values obtained by GPS differential, optical survey or VERTCON.

The EDEN study area is hydrologically divided by canals and levees in WCA1, WCA2 (A & B), WCA3 (A & B), Big Cypress NP, Pennsuco and Everglades NP. Because the hydrological connection is interrupted we have considered only deterministic methods of interpolation. Inverse distance weighing (IDW), radial basis functions multiquadric (RBF/MQ) and RBF completely regularized spline (RBF/CRS) were tested. Generally, RBF multiquadric negotiates border conditions along canals / levees better than IDW or CRS, but the function can predict values above or below the measured values used in interpolation so the surfacing model must be carefully parameterized. RBF multiquadric isotropic and anisotropic interpolations with standard or custom parameters were used.

Water depths for the EDEN study area are obtained by subtracting the EDEN DEM from the water surface grid and are compared with water depth data from previous ground surfaces by multiple investigators. Categorical confidence intervals are assigned to the EDEN maps based on the observed depth data, proximity to canals, vegetation diversity, extent of dry-down and distance between water gage stations.

Contact Information: Monica E. Palaseanu, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 3205 College Ave., Ft Lauderdale, FL 33314 USA, Phone: 954-577-6381, Fax: 954-475-4125, Email:

(This abstract is from the 2006 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference.)

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Last updated: 05 December, 2006 @ 10:57 AM(TJE)