
ENERGY STAR offers the following presentations for your own use to educate yourself or use to educate other stakeholders. Many of these presentations are also offered live through webinars.


This self-guided presentation Power Point Presentation designed for residential professionals explains the basics of ENERGY STAR and the value-added features of ENERGY STAR qualified homes. Although geared toward appraisers and real estate agents, this presentation can be used by anyone to explain the many obvious and hidden benefits of ENERGY STAR qualified homes. Topics addressed include:

  • How an ENERGY STAR qualified home is constructed.
  • How advanced energy efficiency lowers the cost of owning a home while increasing its value substantially.
  • How consumer awareness of the ENERGY STAR label continues to grow.

Crash Course in Building Science

This self-guided presentation Power Point Presentation helps you understand ENERGY STAR in common builder terms and explains the basic rules of building science and why homes work and fail. Viewers will also learn how to most effectively address insulation and air barriers, and how the Thermal Bypass Checklist requirement helps builders address new market developments with substantially reduced builder risk. Topics addressed include:

  • How the building science behind ENERGY STAR qualified homes delivers benefits that increase a home's value.
  • How fundamental building science principals can be applied to residential new construction with tried-and-true technologies and construction practices.
  • Why ENERGY STAR qualified homes and the Thermal Bypass Checklist feature render 90% of your competition obsolete.

Builder Recruitment

This presentation template Power Point Presentation can be used by Home Energy Raters and other entities to educate builders about the advanced construction practices that address every builder's bottom line business objectives: how to increase sales, profit, and customer satisfaction, while reducing risk. Topics addressed include:

  • How external forces are creating a perfect storm that is affecting consumer preferences and increasing builder liability.
  • How builders can effectively make 90% of their competition obsolete with simple features that are virtually impossible to add in a cost-effective way after construction is complete.
  • Why energy efficiency is the starting point for green building.

Sales and Marketing

This presentation template Power Point Presentation can be used by Home Energy Raters, homebuilder's staff, and other entities to help marketing and sales personnel learn how to tell their energy efficiency story to potential customers. The presentation shows examples of tried-and-true marketing strategies employed by hundreds of highly successful energy-efficient homebuilders. Topics addressed include:

  • How builders can co-brand with ENERGY STAR to help increase traffic and sales.
  • How builders can most effectively translate the benefits of truly energy-efficient homes into a compelling value message.
  • How builders can create professional, customized point-of-sale materials featuring each homebuilder's name, logo, web site, and images, in a few minutes.