4 Freedom of Information Act Procedures

4 Freedom of Information Act Procedures

4-1 General

4-2 How to Make a Freedom of Information Act Request

4-2.1 Format and Content

4-2.2 Requests for Expedited Processing

4-2.3 Requests for Fee Waivers

4-2.4 Where to Direct Freedom of Information Act Requests

4-3 How to Process a Freedom of Information Act Request

4-3.1 General

4-3.2 Requests That Are Insufficient, Misdirected, or for Records That Do Not Exist

4-3.3 Searches

4-3.4 Releasing Records

4-3.5 Withholding Records

4-3.6 Appeal Rights

4-3.7 Time Limits

4-3.8 Retention

4-4 Records Available to the Public

4-4.1 Reading Rooms

4-4.2 Business Change of Address

4-4.3 Permit Holder Data

4-4.4 Postage Evidencing System User Data

4-5 Records Which May Be Withheld From Disclosure

4-5.1 Exemption 1 (5 USC 552(b)(1)) — National Defense and Foreign Relations

4-5.2 Exemption 2 (5 USC 552(b)(2)) — Personnel Rules and Practices

4-5.3 Exemption 3 (5 USC 552(b)(3)) — Federal Law

4-5.4 Exemption 4 (5 USC 552(b)(4)) — Trade Secrets and Privileged Information

4-5.5 Exemption 5 (5 USC 552(b)(5)) — Internal or Interagency Information

4-5.6 Exemption 6 (5 USC 552(b)(6)) — Personal Information

4-5.7 Exemption 7 (5 USC 552(b)(7)) — Law Enforcement Records

4-5.8 Exemption 8 (5 USC 552 (b)(8)) — Financial Institutions

4-5.9 Exemption 9 (5 USC 552 (b)(9)) — Geological Information

4-6 Fees

4-6.1 General

4-6.2 Aggregate Requests

4-6.3 Fee Waivers

4-6.4 Requester Categories

4-6.5 How to Assess Fees

4-6.6 Advance Notice and Payment

4-6.7 Accounting for Fees

4-7 Appeals

4-7.1 General

4-7.2 Time Limit

4-7.3 Required Appeal Elements

4-7.4 Final Decision

4-8 Reporting

4-8.1 General

4-8.2 Submissions

4-8.3 FOIA Annual Report

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