3-4.2 Requests to Amend Information

This section covers procedures by which customers, employees, or other individuals may request an amendment of information about themselves that the Postal Service maintains in a system of records, and how the Postal Service responds to these requests.

  1. How to Submit a Request. Customers, employees, or other individuals should submit a request as follows:
    1. Oral Requests. Oral requests can be made if the change concerns an error or correction that is unlikely to be disputed (for example, correcting a misspelling, misprint, mistake in computation, or other obvious error). The custodian may have the record changed without formally notifying the requester of the change. If the request may result in a dispute, the custodian must require that the request be made in writing.
    2. Written Requests. Except as stated above, all requests must be in writing. The request must be submitted to the custodian in accordance with the procedures described in the applicable system of records in the Appendix. Requesters must clearly identify themselves, the record in question, and the change desired. Requesters must state the reasons for the change, which may be relevance, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness.
    3. Customers registered on usps.com. Customers that are registered users on usps.com may amend their personal profile by logging into their account with their user name and password.
  2. How to Respond to a Request. Custodians must follow these procedures to respond to a request:
    1. Acknowledge the request. Within 10 days (excluding weekends and federal holidays) of any written request to amend a record, the custodian must acknowledge the request in writing and ask the requester for any additional information necessary for action on the request.
    2. Act on the request. Within 30 days (excluding weekends and federal holidays), the custodian must do the following:
      1. Inquire. Obtain more information as needed to determine whether amendment is appropriate.
      2. Amend the information as necessary. Correct or eliminate any information found incomplete, inaccurate, untimely, or irrelevant to the purpose of the system of records.
      3. Notify the requester about the revised record. Advise the requester of the change, and supply a courtesy copy of the revised record where practical. The custodian must also send a revised record to any person or agency to whom
        an accounting of disclosure has been made under section 3-5.5.
      4. Denial. Notify the requester in writing if any requested changes are denied in whole or in part, including the reasons for the denial. The denial must include notification that the requester may submit a statement of disagreement to be filed with the disputed record or may appeal the decision. See section 3-4.3.

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