Financial Improvement and Post Audit Operations

Financial Improvement and Post Audit Operations

The Financial Improvement and Post-Audit Operations group (FIPAO) consists of three offices that are responsible for resolving financial management issues for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). Each office works in separate areas to improve financial processes and keep the money circulating from the Department to institutions and individuals as efficiently as possible.

  • Financial Improvement and Debt Management Group (FIDMG)
    Provides leadership and direction in the areas of financial management, post-audit activities, performance measures and financial management reporting. Responsible for managing the Department of Education's institutional debt portfolio and individual debt established as a result of salary overpayments, restitutions, and various non-student financial aid loan programs.

  • Indirect Cost Group (ICG)
    Serves as the Department's focal point for cost oversight management duties cut-across program and Federal Agency lines. ICG monitors Federal stewardship via State-wide interface to ensure Federal dollars make their way to places where students learn.

  • Post Audit Group (PAG)
    Serves as support staff to the Chief Financial Officer in his/her role as the Department of Education's (ED) Audit Followup Official. As such, PAG oversees the Department-wide Post Audit system.

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Last Modified: 04/17/2007