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Reducing Crime and Drug Dealing by Improving Place Management: A Randomized Experiment

by John E. Eck and Julie WartellJanuary 1999

Retail drug dealing creates many problems in the community where it occurs, and closing down a drug market can improve the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhood. Researchers in San Diego noted that drug dealers frequently rent in buildings with weak property management. To determine if improved onsite management could be induced by police action and whether this would reduce crime, the researchers conducted a randomized study of rental properties with drug dealing in San Diego. The study was done with the San Diego Police Department and with funding from NIJ. The results of the study support findings that show the most effective ways of controlling crime need to involve people other than offenders and law enforcement officials. In communities with high crime rates and active drug markets, many of the residents are renters. Thus, place managers can have a pivotal role in improving public safety.