AIDSinfo - Health Topics - Opportunistic Infections

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Opportunistic Infections

AIDS and Infections
Links to information on infections related to HIV/AIDS, as well as information regarding current clinical research.
Source: MedlinePlus

Links to information on cryptosporidiosis, an infection that causes diarrhea, especially in immunocompromised individuals.
En español
Source: MedlinePlus

Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections among HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children - June 20, 2008
This document has been submitted for publication to CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) and should be considered a final draft. It is being posted on AIDSinfo to expedite dissemination of important clinical information. Upon acceptance and publication in MMWR, this draft will be replaced by the published version. In the meantime, readers should be aware that the content of the draft might differ from the content of future published versions. Any corrections or questions concerning this document should be addressed to Ms. Jessica Carrington (e-mail:
Source: AIDSinfo

HIV/AIDS Image Library
Images of clinical symptoms of HIV infection, categorized by complication and organ system. Includes HIV complications and co-infections.
Source: Department of Veterans Affairs

Kaposi's Sarcoma
Links to information on Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of cancer often found in individuals with HIV/AIDS, including symptoms, treatment, screening and prevention, disease management, clinical trials, and current research.
En español
Source: MedlinePlus

Neurological Complications of AIDS Fact Sheet
fact sheet with information on neurological complications of AIDS, what they are, how they are diagnosed, how they are treated, and what research is currently being done.
Source: NINDS

Opportunistic Infections (OIs)
Information about opportunistic infections that occur in HIV infected people, especially women.
Source: National Women's Health Information Center

Pneumocystis Carinii Infections
Links to information on pneumocystis carinii/jiroveci infections, lung infections that commonly affect individuals with HIV/AIDS. Includes links to treatment, prevention and screening, disease management, and clinical trials.
En español
Source: MedlinePlus