Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative: Translating Whole Genome Association Data into Clinical Practice

The NIH Genes, Environment, and Health Initiative (GEI) was launched in 2006 to support efforts to identify major genetic susceptibility factors for diseases of substantial public health impact and to develop technologies for reliable and reproducible measurement of potentially causative environmental exposures ( GEI encompasses both basic research on genetics and exposure biology and translational research that will attempt to relate the research findings to clinical settings.

The purpose of this meeting, "Translating Whole Genome Association Data into Clinical Research and Practice", is to explore the challenges in using GEI basic findings to have a positive impact on health. The meeting will feature presentations on important new genetic findings on certain diseases, approaches to using those findings for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, and the ethical and social issues inherent in such research. There will be keynote addresses from leaders in the field and extended opportunities for discussion.

For further details, please refer to

A summary of the Workshop is available at

Video-cast of the Workshop can be viewed at:

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This page last updated: June 20, 2008