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Appendix: Commonly Abused Drugs

See latest version online - Commonly Abused Drugs Chart (2002)

Substance Examples of Proprietary or Street Names Medical Uses Route of Administration DEA Schedule* Period of Detection
Amphetamine Biphetamine, Dexedrine; Black Beauties, Crosses, Hearts Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obesity, narcolepsy Injected, oral, smoked, sniffed II 1-2 days
Cocaine Coke, Crack, Flake, Rocks, Snow Local anesthetic, vasoconstrictor Injected, smoked, sniffed II 1-4 days
Methamphetamine Desoxyn; Crank, Crystal, Glass, Ice, Speed ADHD, obesity, narcolepsy Injected, oral, smoked, sniffed II 1-2 days
Methylphenidate Ritalin ADHD, narcolepsy Injected, oral II 1-2 days
Nicotine Habitrol patch, Nicorette gum, Nicotrol spray, Prostep patch; Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokeless tobacco, Snuff, Spit tobacco Treatment for nicotine dependence Smoked, sniffed, oral, transdermal Not Scheduled 1-2 days
Hallucinogens and Other Compounds
LSD Acid, Microdot None Oral I 8 hours
Mescaline Buttons, Cactus, Mesc, Peyote None Oral I 2-3 days
Phencyclidine & Analogs PCP; Angel Dust, Boat, Hog, Love Boat Anesthetic (veterinary) Injected, oral, smoked I, II 2-8 days
Psilocybin Magic Mushroom, Purple Passion, Shrooms None Oral I 8 hours
Amphetamine variants DOB, DOM, MDA, MDMA; Adam, Ecstasy, STP, XTC None Oral I 1-2 days
Marijuana Blunt, Grass, Herb, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Smoke, Weed None Oral, smoked I 1 day - 5 weeks
Hashish Hash None Oral, smoked I 1 day - 5 weeks
Tetrahydrocannabinol Marinol, THC Antiemetic Oral, smoked I, II 1 day - 5 weeks
Anabolic Steroids Testosterone (T/E ratio), Stanazolol, Nandrolene Hormone Replacement Therapy Oral, injected III Oral: up to 3 weeks (for testosterone and others); Injected: up to 3 months (Nandrolene up to 9 months)
Opioids and Morphine Derivatives
Codeine Tylenol w/codeine, Robitussin A-C, Empirin w/codeine, Fiorinal w/codeine Analgesic, antitussive Injected, oral II, III, IV 1-2 days
Heroin Diacetylmorphine; Horse, Smack None Injected, smoked, sniffed I 1-2 days
Methadone Amidone, Dolophine, Methadose Analgesic, treatment for opiate dependence Injected, oral II 1 day - 1 week
Morphine Roxanol, Duramorph Analgesic Injected, oral, smoked II, III 1-2 days
Opium Laudanum, Paregoric; Dover's Powder Analgesic, antidiarrheal Oral, smoked II, III, V 1-2 days
Alcohol Beer, Wine, Liquor Antidote for methanol poisoning Oral Not Scheduled 6-10 hours
Barbiturates Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal, Phenobarbital; Barbs Anesthetic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative Injected, oral II, III, IV 2-10 days
Benzodiazepines Ativan, Halcion, Librium, Rohypnol, Valium; Roofies, Tranks, Xanax Antianxiety, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative Injected, oral IV 1-6 weeks
Methaqualone Quaalude, Ludes None Oral I 2 weeks

* Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Schedule I and II drugs have a high potential for abuse. They require greater storage security and have a quota on manufacture among other restrictions. Schedule I drugs are available for research only and have no approved medical use. Schedule II drugs are available only through prescription, cannot have refills and require a form for ordering. Schedule III and IV drugs are available with prescription, may have 5 refills in 6 months and may be ordered orally. Most Schedule V drugs are available over the counter.



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