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Schering Plough Corporation

Kenilworth, New Jersey

ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year

Schering-Plough Corporation is a science-centered global health care company that applies its research and development to human prescription, animal health, and consumer health care products. Schering-Plough is receiving ENERGY STAR recognition for its vision of strategic energy management. The company has established twin goals of reducing energy consumption by 10% at each site by 2011 and attaining a 5% absolute reduction of CO2 emissions by 2012 from 2002 levels. Key accomplishments include:

·         Improving energy use intensity by 3.7% in 2008 under a newly-launched strategic energy management initiative.

·         Installing a 1.7 MW solar photovoltaic system, one of the largest in the U.S., to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1,000 tons per year.

·         Building a Web-based global energy data management system to monitor and control energy use across its worldwide sites, representing more than 16 million square feet of facility space.

·         Engaging its workforce by executing a strategic communication plan to raise awareness of energy issues and educate employees throughout the company.

·         Leading the pharmaceutical industry's support for the completion of EPA's new energy performance indicator (EPI) for pharmaceutical manufacturing plants in the U.S.; the company also actively participates in the ENERGY STAR Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Focus and laboratory benchmarking initiative.

·         Using EPA's EPI for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing to rate the efficiency of its plants and Portfolio Manager to rate the efficiency of its other buildings and warehouses nationally; these EPA ratings helped the company set improvement goals.

·         In addition to these accomplishments, Schering-Plough's commitment to protecting the environment is further demonstrated by its participation in EPA's Climate Leaders program and Green Power Partnership.