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Fox Energy Specialists

Fort Worth, Texas

ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year

Based in Texas, Fox Energy Specialists is an energy efficiency services company that provides home energy efficiency inspections, testing, rating, and training services for homebuilders, homeowners, and utility companies. Since partnering with ENERGY STAR in 2002, Fox Energy Specialists has verified over 25,000 homes and has been instrumental to the growth of ENERGY STAR qualified homes in its region. Accomplishments of this company in 2008 include:

·         Verifying more than 4,500 ENERGY STAR homes in the Fort Worth market.

·         Expanding its business into San Antonio, Austin, Tyler, and Midland/Odessa, and verifying 200 homes during the first year in these markets.

·         Presenting about ENERGY STAR at several conferences, including the Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers Conference in Austin, Nelrod Company's Annual Consortium Conference in Las Vegas, and the City of Midland and Odessa Green Building and ENERGY STAR Conference.

·         Providing sales and marketing training for construction and sales staff, covering energy-efficient construction practices and how to market the benefits of ENERGY STAR.

·         Conducting home energy rater trainings and whole house diagnostic training workshops.