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Wisconsin Focus on Energy

Madison, Wisconsin

ENERGY STAR Award for Sustained Excellence

Wisconsin Focus on Energy is a statewide energy efficiency program. An ENERGY STAR partner since 2001, Wisconsin Focus on Energy has received ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence recognition four times. This award honors its continued excellence in promoting and delivering energy efficiency programs for new home construction, commercial and industrial products, affordable housing, and home performance. Key accomplishments of this organization include:

·         Saving over 63 million kWh, 7,000 kW, and nearly 2 million therms across its residential programs.

·         Overseeing the construction of nearly 1,500 ENERGY STAR qualified homes in 2008, for a total of more than 10,000 homes since 2001.

·         Partnering with 325 builders in 2008 to build ENERGY STAR qualified homes, and increasing market share of ENERGY STAR qualified new homes built in Wisconsin to 14% in 2008, despite the downturn in the new housing market.

·         Benchmarking 240 buildings, totaling 12.5 million square feet of commercial space, in target markets, including grocery, healthcare, and office buildings as a key step toward implementing the programs strategic energy management approach.

·         Saving commercial buildings over 88 million kWh of electricity, reducing peak electric demand by over 20 MW, and saving 1,250,000 therms of natural gas between June 2007 and the end of 2008.