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Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools

Nashville, North Carolina

ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year

Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools serves more than 18,000 K-12 students in Nashville, NC. The district is receiving ENERGY STAR recognition for improving the energy efficiency of its schools while maintaining an exceptional learning environment for its students. To address rising energy costs, the district committed to an energy-reduction program with support from the central office, board of education, maintenance department, and school administrators. This is the first time Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools has received ENERGY STAR recognition. Key accomplishments include:

·         Reducing energy use by more than 20% across the districts portfolio of buildings and being recognized as an ENERGY STAR Leader for reaching this important milestone within one year of achieving 10% Leaders recognition in 2006.

·         Achieving an average EPA energy performance rating of 75 or greater, thus earning recognition as a Top Performer.

·         Earning the ENERGY STAR for 20 of 29 district schools and two district office buildings.

·         Becoming the first school district in North Carolina with an ENERGY STAR qualified school.

·         Saving more than $250,000 and avoiding an additional $4.3 million in energy costs over 4 years.

·         Taking a leadership role in the school community by involving and educating other districts through Webinars, public television and radio interviews, and professional conferences.