Designing Permit Imprint Indicia  
The ‘Do’s and ‘Don’ts’ of designing Permit Imprint Indicia.
Please keep these requirements in mind when designing your Permit Imprint Indicia. For illustrations, visit Business Mail 101.

Do include these required elements of a Permit Imprint Indicia, including:
Line 1: Rate Marking.
Line 2: The words “US Postage Paid.”
Line 3: City and state where permit is held.
Line 4: The words “Permit No.” and your permit number.
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Don’t forget to check that you included critical elements into your Permit Imprint Indicia.

It must show your city, state and permit number.
It may be only four or five lines long.
It must appear to the upper right of the delivery address.

Note: If you have questions about the content or placement of your permit imprint, contact your local mailpiece design analyst at your business mail entry unit.

Related Publications
 Permit Imprints Quick Service Guide