Address Quality
Maximize address quality, minimize cost.
The Office of Address Management is located at the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) in Memphis, Tennessee. Address Management provides value-added product and service offerings that enable United States Postal Service® business customers to better manage the quality of their mailing lists while maximizing our ability to efficiently deliver mail as addressed.

Address Information Systems (AIS) Database Products - Products to enhance address standardization.

Address Management Products - Tools for addressing software solutions.

Address Management Services - Evaluation, grading and certification services.

Address Management Publications - Publications related to Address Management products and services.

Addressing Standards for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

ZIP Code® Lookup and Address Information

Contact Address Management

  Related Services & Links
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Use WhitePages People Search or Business Search.
Mail Preparation Total Quality Management
A web-based program designed to assist mailers in ensuring quality during the design and preparation stages of the mail.
Address Management System (AMS) Office Locator
Locate an AMS Office.