Prepare Books & Media  
Prepare your media and library materials for delivery.
Media Material Preparation
Domestic addressing tips
U.S. Postal Service® addressing standards
Forwarding, return, & address service markings - Provide the U.S. Postal Service with instructions for handling your undeliverable mail.

Receive lower postage prices by following Postal Service™ standards for preparing and sorting volume mail. For comprehensive information, consult the Guide to Mailing for Businesses and Organizations and the guide to Discount Mailing Services:

Preparing volume shipments for discounts
Sorting your packages for discounts
Sorting supplies for volume shipments
Designing packages for automated processing

Address List Providers
Mailing list vendors can help you reach your intended audience.

Data Dialog Marketing

Address Verification
Use these products, services, and service providers to manage, validate, and correct your mailing lists.

Address management products
Address management services
Certified address-matching vendors - Vendors and licensees certified through address-matching software.
Change of address service providers - Vendors licensed by the National Change of Address program.
List of correction service providers - Licensed mailing list correction vendors.
Address management office locator

Rules & Guidelines
Review U.S. Postal Service standards and requirements for preparing books, CDs, and other media.

Service Guide to Media Mail®
Service Guide to Library Mail
Domestic Mail Manual
Guide to Non-Profit Mailing