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Hurricane Volunteer Support Fund
In the wake of the recent hurricanes, the Corporation is coordinating volunteers to assist with repair and relief efforts in areas affected by this devastating storm. Your donation will support volunteers in providing food and shelter, managing donations, helping victims get necessary assistance, and long-term rebuilding efforts.
eGrants System and Support Availability
eGrants is a web-based grant application system that is normally available on-line during a 24 hour period, every day of the week. However, the system is taken off-line for maintenance on a regular schedule and occasionally for an emergency fix. Sometimes, unforeseen problems can also bring eGrants down. When eGrants becomes off-line during business hours, every attempt is made to bring the system up as quickly as possible.

The following is a schedule of eGrants support and availability:

  • Help Desk Support: Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 6:00PM EST (excluding federal holidays)
  • Maintenance: Every Thursday between 7:00AM – 9:00AM EST (system is unavailable)
  • Normal Availability: 24 hours a day (except for maintenance as noted previously). If the system becomes unavailable outside of eGrants Help Desk support hours, connectivity will not be addressed until the next business day.

If you are experiencing difficulties with eGrants or are concerned with the system availability, contact your eGrants support provider. Click here for a complete listing of support available for eGrants.

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