Delivery Sequence File Second Generation  


The DSF²® System is one of the SnappCheck Address Management Technologies™ systems that is available from the U.S. Postal Service® to help mailers identify inaccurate or incomplete addresses.

The DSF² file system assists mailers in obtaining accurate delivery address information and facilitates identification of erroneous addresses contained in mailers address files. The DSF² product also provides additional information such as type of delivery and LACSLink® information. As mailers use the DSF² product, it will help to reduce the amount of undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) pieces, which in turn will result in more efficient postal mail processing and delivery operations.

The DSF² service is available through USPS® Certified DSF² Licensees.

For additional information on the DSF² product, please contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-233-5866.