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The Nevada HIDTA region's role as a transshipment area for significant quantities of ice methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin will continue as a result of well organized, entrenched drug trafficking operations conducted by DTOs and criminal groups in the area.

The Nevada HIDTA region will continue to experience a disruption in methamphetamine availability throughout the region if chemical controls enacted by the government of Mexico result in a sustained decrease in Mexican methamphetamine production in that country; local production in the region will not be sufficient to cover any shortfall in methamphetamine supply.

Mexican DTOs struggled to meet market demand for methamphetamine in 2007 and this resulted in local officials reporting fluctuations in ice methamphetamine availability and wide variances in prices and purity. If this trend continues, the Nevada HIDTA will likely witness a decrease in methamphetamine-related crime, treatment admissions, and overdose deaths.

The abuse of pharmaceutical drugs will escalate as demand increases and traffickers increase their involvement in diversion and distribution methods through Internet pharmacies, prescription fraud, and pharmacy thefts.

The demand for high-potency marijuana in the region will increase as abusers become more accustomed to higher-quality marijuana. To meet rising demand, Hispanic, Asian, and Caucasian independent suppliers and criminal groups will establish larger, more sophisticated indoor, hydroponic cannabis cultivation operations in the region.

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