Leverage Our Strengths

We are a familiar and trusted presence in communities throughout the country. Every day, millions of customers visit their local Post Office. We have the largest distribution system in the country, backed by increasingly sophisticated data systems—including the nation's physical address registry. We have an extensive and efficient last-mile delivery network. We have an enormous opportunity to leverage these assets to generate new revenue, and we will build from these strengths, especially our network, information about the mail, and our people.

Build on the Reach and Capability of the Network

The Internet and a new generation of customers are redefining expectations for convenience and access. Customers can now access postal services without ever leaving their home or office. The carrier, the Post Office, and our online presence will be integrated to create the central part of the customer's experience with our brand.

Use Information to Enhance Products and Performance

We will make full use of the power of information to enhance our services, eliminate outdated processes, and speed decisions. Total mail visibility—the ability to "see" mail at points throughout the process—will drive continued breakthroughs in service and efficiency, and will fundamentally change how customers perceive and use the mail. We will use these new capabilities to create new services and features that increase the value of the mail.

Empower Employees to Build the Business

We are proud of the contributions our employees have made in achieving record service performance and productivity. Now we will also step up to the task of building our business—and sustaining our future—by gaining and keeping loyal customers. It is the responsibility of every employee to contribute to growth and customer loyalty, and we will equip our employees with the skills and support they need to deliver world-class business results.

If you have any questions or comments about Vision 2013, please email us at transformation@usps.gov.