Focus on What Matters Most to Customers

For our business to grow, we must create new solutions that meet the needs of tomorrow’s customers. We must increase the loyalty of current customers, while developing new relationships with younger people who, compared with earlier generations, increasingly view mail as less relevant or important. We must anticipate the needs of technologically connected small businesses. We must also recognize the global nature of commerce and respond to the needs of customers who operate internationally. Every employee will have the responsibility to step up to the task of building the business by focusing on what customers value.

Start with Customer Needs

The Postal Service is more than just a delivery business—we exist to help customers accomplish tasks that are essential to them. We help exchange information and maintain relationships. We help businesses expand their markets and allow customers to shop more efficiently. We deliver news and entertainment, and pick up and deliver merchandise. Our goal is to create engaged, loyal customers by satisfying their needs better than the alternatives. We will seek new insights about emerging customer needs and design product and service solutions based on what customers tell us is important to them.

Provide Excellent Customer Experiences

Customers expect timely, reliable delivery at reasonable prices. However, this is just part of the total customer experience—customers also need innovative solutions to their business or personal needs, clear information about our products, convenient access, and responsive customer service. Being "good enough" is not sufficient to increase customer loyalty and gain new business. We will ensure that we provide a positive experience—no matter when, where, or how customers do business with us.

Build on Trusted Relationships

We will continue to earn our customers’ trust by our performance and by open dialogue about what we can do together to grow the business. We will provide new tools and support to help employees reach out to customers to expand use of the mail. And we will ensure the highest standards of ethics and accountability in all we do.

Communicate Effectively

We have many stakeholders with different perspectives on the future of mail. The stakes are high, the future is uncertain, and the pace of change is unprecedented. The need for clear, unambiguous communication about the postal business has never been more critical. Many stakeholders do not realize the role the mailing industry plays in helping the economy grow, or the nature of all the challenges we face. We will address the specific information needs of different audiences as we engage in discussions about strengthening the future of mail.

If you have any questions or comments about Vision 2013, please email us at