Which program is right for you?
Organization program selector
The following questions are designed to help you decide which of the seven Corporation programs are best for your organization.

1. Who are you?
A. National nonprofit organization with 501 c status
B. Local nonprofit organization with 501 c status
C. State or local government entity
D. K-12 education institution
E. Institution of higher education
F. Indian tribe
G. U.S. Territory
H. Faith-based organization
I. For profit entity

2. What do you primarily want to do?
A. Engage K-12 age or higher education students in service
B. Recruit volunteers for my organization
C. Build the capacity of my organization
D. Engage volunteers to work with disadvantaged youth
E. Engage volunteers in activities focused on poverty alleviation
F. Engage volunteers to work with elderly or homebound adults
G. Engage with a team of volunteers for a short-term project
H. Find training and technical assistance resources

3. What type of resources are you seeking from CNCS?
A. People/volunteers
B. Money
C. Both

4. How or how long would you like to engage volunteers?
A. Full-time for one or two years
B. Part-time for one or two years
C. Short-term assignments
D. Connected to a formal or informal curriculum or school program