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Drug production in the Milwaukee HIDTA region is generally limited to crack cocaine conversion and cannabis cultivation; African American criminal groups and street gangs are the primary producers of crack cocaine, while independent Caucasian producers are the principal cultivators of cannabis.

The conversion of powder cocaine to crack is a significant concern in the HIDTA region because of the drug's association with violent and property crimes. Crack cocaine distributors commit crimes including assault and homicide in order to control local drug operations, while crack abusers sometimes commit robbery or theft to obtain the drug. African American street gang members typically convert powder cocaine into crack in half-kilogram quantities at a time.

Most marijuana available in the Milwaukee HIDTA region is commercial-grade Mexican marijuana; high-potency marijuana produced in California and Canada and locally produced marijuana are also available. Marijuana produced locally originates from cannabis cultivated at indoor grow sites, which are more common than outdoor sites, largely because of the short growing season and high population density in the HIDTA region. Indoor grow sites are typically operated by Caucasian independent dealers who produce the drug for personal use or limited local distribution.

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