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National Association of Energy Service CompaniesNational Association of Energy Service CompaniesNational Association of Energy Service Companies

1615 M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202/822-0950 FAX: 202/822-0955

National Association of Energy Service Companies

DOE Announces 16 New IDIQ ESPC Awards
December 18, 2008

NAESCO Releases Report on Non-Energy Benefits of ESCO Projects
December 16, 2008

New LBNL-NAESCO Report Documents Substantial Energy Efficiency Opportunities as State Facilities
November 24, 2008
View Report

NAESCO and ICF Release Energy Star Performance Contracting Best Practices Report
May 2008

National Association of Energy Service Companies


Chevron Energy Solutions

Applied Energy Management
ConEdison Solutions
Pepco Energy Services
Siemens Building Technologies
Synergy Companies


Grant Capital Management
Louisiana CleanTech Network
PPL Energy Services
Clark Energy Group
CLT Efficient Technologies Group
Acuity Brands Technology Services


The National Association of Energy Service Companies is a national trade association which has been promoting the benefits of the widespread use of energy efficiency for over 20 years. On behalf of its membership, NAESCO works to help open new markets for energy services by directly promoting the value of demand reduction to customers through seminars, workshops, training programs, publication of case studies and guidebooks, and the compilation and dissemination of aggregate industry data.

NAESCO is proud of its leadership role in devising innovative policies for a changing marketplace. NAESCO represents every facet of the energy services industry and is the industry's advocate for the cost effective delivery of comprehensive energy services to all customer classes. NAESCO strongly promotes the benefits of distributed resources, including energy efficiency, in an evolving market. In order to ensure industry quality, NAESCO sponsors a rigorous accreditation program for ESCOs, Energy Service Providers and Energy Efficiency Contractors to recognize capabilities and experience. The Association places a high priority on making the Association a home for the broadest spectrum of market participants including generation and distribution companies and distributed generation project developers. NAESCO also brings together energy service providers from around the world to facilitate market opportunities.

"NAESCO's mission remains as it has from the start -- to build market opportunities by encouraging customers and policy makers to rely on energy efficiency as the first energy priority. NAESCO has taken a leading role in establishing industry best practices and supporting its membership in the creation of tangible economic value. As NAESCO chairman, I will work to aggressively promote the broadest possible use of energy efficient products and services."

-- Buddy Hahs, CEO, Custom Energy Services, L.L.C.
Chairman, NAESCO 2007-2008


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