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Zambian Organic Cotton Project Demonstrates How ADF Model of Investment Funding Enables Small-Scale African Farmers to Take Advantage of International Trade Opportunities.

WASHINGTON - May 5, 2006

Actor and Oscar-winner Matt Damon, traveling with DATA (Debt Aids Trade Africa), the Africa advocacy group co-founded by U2 lead singer Bono, visited an ADF-funded organic cotton farming project in Zambia earlier last week.  Damon was in southern Africa on a listening and learning trip about the opportunities available in the fight against extreme poverty. The Chongwe Organic Producers and Processors Association (CHOPPA) in Chongwe District gave Damon an opportunity to observe an equitable trade initiative during his travels.

CHOPPA is a 200-member farmer association involved in production of a number of different crops for the local and export markets.  They currently have over eighty hectares of land under organic cotton production, and are currently the only certified organic cotton producers in Zambia.   In 2005, CHOPPA was approved for funding under ADF’s Trade & Investment program, which aims to promote new export opportunities for small-scale African enterprises, especially for non-traditional export crops such as cotton.   

Organic cotton is a new crop in Zambia which has never been exported, yet it has huge export earnings and income generation potential.  The average price on the world market for organic cotton is US$2.16 /kg versus US$1.25/kg for conventional cotton.  With global demand for organic cotton rising by some 25% every year, production of organic cotton represents a significant opportunity for small-scale farmers to participate in the international market place.

ADF funding for CHOPPA aims to build capacity within the organization by providing support to members and by improving marketing and logistical expertise.  The total value of ADF assistance to CHOPPA is valued at US$100,000 and is spread over a two year-period.  At the end of this time, CHOPPA may be eligible for additional ADF funding, valued up to US$250,000.  Moses Mulenga, Vice Chairman of CHOPPA, commented on the success of the ADF project thus far, “The goal of this project is to increase the incomes of our members.  Although it is still too early to see the effects of agricultural inputs on our yields, with ADF assistance we will export our first container load of organic cotton this year.”

In a career spanning more than a decade, Matt Damon has starred in numerous films, including The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and Ocean’s Eleven and Ocean’s Twelve alongside DATA spokespersons Brad Pitt and George Clooney.  It was Good Will Hunting, which he co-wrote with friend Ben Affleck, that launched his career and lead to the creation of their production company, LivePlanet.  Matt is currently Executive Producer for Running the Sahara, a documentary feature film that will shoot in Africa and accompany an awareness and charity campaign to help with health and clean water-related issues in the region. 

This was Matt’s first visit to Zambia and was designed to introduce him to the peoples of Africa, the challenges they face and African-led solutions to poverty.  He made the trip with his older brother, Kyle.

The visit to CHOPPA by Matt Damon was the second time that representatives from DATA have visited this ADF project.  He was accompanied by Erin Thornton and Tayloe Emery, both from DATA’s Washington, DC office, and Jetty Lungu and Agatha Ambizule from ADF’s Lusaka Field Office.  The team from DATA spent time touring certified organic cotton fields currently receiving support under the ADF CHOPPA project and learning about the challenges and potential benefits to farmers of organic cotton farming.   Matt Damon thanked ADF and CHOPPA for arranging the visit, stating that “Things look very promising here.  See you next time.”

The African Development Foundation (ADF) is a United States Government agency dedicated to expanding access to economic opportunity in Africa. Over the past 20 years, ADF has funded 1,600 projects in support of African entrepreneurs and local African communities. For more information on ADF, its programs and its application guidelines, visit: For more information on the organization, DATA, please visit

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