Families Can Make A Difference: A Substance Abuse Prevention Program

Contact:Dena Targ
Extension Specialist
Child Development and Family Studies
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907–1269
Tel: (765) 494–2937
Fax: (765) 494–0503
Main Purpose:To prevent substance abuse
Target Group:Parents of pre-teens (8 through 12 years)
Description:Designed to help parents develop a better understanding of how they can help children avoid or stop substance abuse, the program is based on research indicating the effectiveness of strategies such as building effective communication, setting limits, and close family bonding. The main components of the program are a videotape, followup discussion, and related exercises. The detailed facilitator's guide contains three presentation formats: Two are intended for delivery to parent groups, and one is for community groups. The program was developed at Purdue University in 1992 by V. L. Spurlock and colleagues including Dena Targ.
Evaluation:Pre- and post-evaluation questionnaires are available from Dena Targ at the address above.

(Source: C. Smith et al., 1994. National Extension Parent Education Model of Critical Parenting Practices)

Parenting IS Prevention
Training of Trainers Workshop, 1998

Office of National Drug Control Policy