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Employment Programs for Recent Graduates

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At USCIS, recent graduates will work with the best and the brightest to solve the nation’s most difficult challenges. Career opportunities are available in a variety of fields.

Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF)

The PMF program is designed to recruit the future leaders of USCIS. It provides an excellent opportunity to apply the knowledge you acquired during your graduate study.

Who should apply:

Students who complete a graduate degree (master's or doctoral-level) during an academic year from a formally accredited academic institution recognized by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education are eligible to be nominated by their schools if they demonstrate:

  • Accomplishments of an outstanding breadth and variety
  • A capacity for leadership
  • A commitment to a career in the analysis and management of public policies and programs

To learn more about the PMF Program, please visit the Office of Personnel Management's PMF website by clicking on the related links section of this page.


Federal Career Intern Program (FCIP)

The FCIP is a comprehensive employment and career development program designed to recruit the next generation of USCIS leaders.

Who should apply:

  • Must be at least 16 years old
  • For the GS-5 level, 4 years leading to a bachelors degree or 3 years of general experience
  • For the GS-7 level, 1 full year of graduate education or 2 years of specialized experience related to the advertised position
  • For the GS-9 level, Masters or equivalent degree or 3 years of specialized experience related to the advertised position

For more information on GS grade levels, visit the Understanding Pay and Benefits section.

Last updated:12/01/2008

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