Back to Appendix G2. Description of USDA Analyses, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Food Intake Pattern Analysis


Appendix G2: Original Food Guide Pyramid Patterns and Description of USDA Analyses

Table G2-5. Iron in Vegetarian Patterns at Each Calorie Level in Comparison to Absorbed Iron Requirements for Appropriate Age/Sex Group
Calorie Level
(cups of milk in pattern)
Age/Sex Group Iron RDA Absorbed Iron Requirement* Iron in Food Pattern Absorbed Iron
in Pattern
Percent of
Requirement Met
by Pattern
    (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (%)
1000 (2 milk) M/F 1-3 7 1.23 8.0 1.34 109
1200 (2 milk) F 4-8 10 1.76 11.0 1.85 105
1400 (2 milk) M 4-8 10 1.76 13.1 2.20 125
1600 (3 milk) F 9-13, 51-70 8 1.41 15.2 2.55 181
1800 (2 milk) F 31-50 18 3.17 17.4 2.92 92
1800 (3 milk) F 14-18 15 2.64 17.4 2.92 111
2000 (2 milk) F 19-30 18 3.17 17.9 3.01 95
2000 (3 milk) M 9-13, 51-70 8 1.41 18.0 3.02 215
2200 (2 milk) M 31-50 8 1.41 20.2 3.39 241
2200 (3 milk) M 14-18 11 1.94 20.3 3.41 176
2400 (2 milk) M 19-30 8 1.41 22.0 3.70 262

* Calculated from DRI formula for mixed diet, factor = 0.176.

Calculated from % non-heme absorption, factor = 0.168.


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Back to Appendix G2. Description of USDA Analyses, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Food Intake Pattern Analysis