Back to Appendix G2 Description of USDA Analysis, Nutrient Intakes and Overall Diet Quality in Moderate Drinkers


Appendix G2: Description of USDA Analyses

Table G2-35. Estimated mean body mass index (BMI), Healthy Eating Index (HEI), and daily energy and nutrient intakes for men and women, age 21 years and older, who drank moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages in the United States, 1999-2000

Average number of drinks per day Sample size
Body Mass Index SEa/ Healthy Eating Index SE Energy (kcal) SE
<1c/ 631 27.9 0.4 62.8 0.8 2519 52
1 336 26.9 0.4 62.2 0.8 2685 63
2 128 26.8 0.4 64.0 1.6 2728 120
3 78 26.5 0.7 62.9 1.7 3010 174
4 19 28.8 1.1 62.4 3.1 3678 297
<1c/ 721 27.8 0.4 63.9 0.9 1901 40
1 162 26.9 0.7 63.6 1.4 2066 99
2 46 26.3 0.7 65.9 2.2 1903 96
3 9 25.8 2.5 66.0 4.9 1937 353
4 3 22.9 2.0 70.2 8.8 1979 591

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Average number of drinks per day Vitamin A
(mcg RE)
SE Vitamin E
SE Vitamin C
SE Thiamin
SE Riboflavin
<1c/ 1007 61 10.3 0.4 108 6 1.94 0.05 2.25 0.06
1 1071 123 10.6 0.5 104 6 1.97 0.08 2.29 0.11
2 963 126 9.4 0.5 90 8 1.97 0.12 2.32 0.12
3 951 212 10.0 0.8 115 12 1.95 0.14 2.47 0.18
4 1164 363 12.6 1.9 e/ e/ 1.91 0.27 2.70 0.36
<1c/ 996 82 9.0 0.4 92 6 1.44 0.05 1.71 0.06
1 1005 103 9.0 0.7 94 11 1.46 0.09 1.83 0.10
2 1029 261 7.4 0.7 79 8 1.33 0.12 1.63 0.10
3 e/ e/ e/ e/ 52 13 e/ e/ e/ e/
4 e/ e/ 7.4 2.1 e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/

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Average number of drinks per day Niacin
SE Vitamin B-6
SE Folate
( mcg)
SE Vitamin B-12
SE Calcium SE Phosphorus
<1c/ 26.8 0.6 2.08 0.06 428 14 5.9 0.3 951 34 1504 35
1 30.1 1.2 2.23 0.09 437 16 7.2 1.6 968 38 1581 40
2 29.4 1.6 2.29 0.14 402 24 6.0 0.7 1005 72 1603 75
3 32.0 2.1 2.62 0.21 487 40 5.4 0.7 956 78 1679 100
4 39.5 5.1 3.09 0.48 476 59 e/ e/ 803 116 1868 281
<1c/ 20.1 0.6 1.59 0.06 331 13 4.5 0.4 757 26 1144 32
1 20.9 0.9 1.63 0.08 342 23 3.9 0.3 836 59 1257 55
2 20.6 1.7 1.69 0.18 278 21 4.7 0.7 728 45 1137 58
3 e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ 1078 283 1272 281
4 e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ 4.6 1.1 864 206 1344 317

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Average number of drinks per day Magnesium (mg) SE Iron
SE Zinc
SE Copper
SE Sodiumb/
<1c/ 327 8 17.8 0.5 13.6 0.3 1.47 0.03 4131 107
1 344 11 17.8 0.7 14.2 0.4 1.60 0.07 4258 157
2 351 17 17.2 1.2 14.6 1.0 1.56 0.09 4068 202
3 416 28 17.8 1.3 14.5 1.1 1.83 0.12 4444 291
4 476 73 18.0 2.7 e/ e/ 2.23 0.46 4321 558
<1c/ 250 8 13.8 0.5 10.2 0.4 1.15 0.03 3062 71
1 278 13 13.3 0.8 10.2 0.6 1.23 0.06 3243 155
2 274 21 11.4 0.8 10.0 0.8 1.31 0.11 2960 203
3 258 53 e/ e/ e/ e/ 0.94 0.11 2789 505
4 277 81 e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/

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Average number of drinks per day Postasium (mg) SE Protein (g) SE Carbohydrate (g) SE Dietary fiber (g) SE Cholesterol (mg) SE
<1c/ 3137 76 94.8 2.0 314.8 7.4 17.4 0.6 331 13
1 3207 100 101.6 2.7 312.0 10.8 17.7 0.7 344 15
2 3361 164 104.8 5.8 299.9 12.6 16.5 1.1 360 29
3 3651 282 103.0 6.4 324.6 22.2 21.6 2.4 337 32
4 3870 402 131.9 18.4 334.2 25.7 17.6 2.6 485 81
<1c/ 2444 73 70.0 1.9 239.8 6.0 13.8 0.6 243 7
1 2671 123 75.9 3.2 247.7 14.5 13.9 0.9 278 23
2 2717 146 73.9 4.4 189.7 12.1 12.3 1.1 282 38
3 2521 621 66.5 12.6 239.5 55.0 11.7 1.9 e/ e/
4 e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/ e/

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Average number of drinks per day Total fat (g) SE Saturated fat (g) SE Monounsaturated fat (g) SE Polyunsaturated fat (g) SE
<1c/ 96.2 2.8 32.2 1.1 37.2 1.0 19.4 0.7
1 101.3 3.2 33.8 1.1 39.6 1.3 20.1 1.0
2 96.4 5.2 32.6 2.0 38.0 2.1 18.4 1.3
3 102.9 7.8 34.1 2.8 40.4 3.2 20.7 1.8
4 130.2 19.3 39.5 6.0 49.0 7.6 31.8 5.3
<1c/ 72.7 1.9 24.2 0.7 27.3 0.8 15.8 0.5
1 74.9 4.3 25.4 1.6 28.1 1.6 15.8 1.0
2 67.5 5.6 23.6 1.7 24.7 2.4 14.0 1.7
3 67.1 14.5 23.2 5.4 23.5 5.2 15.9 4.0
4 e/ e/ e/ e/ 23.6 6.2 e/ e/

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Average number of drinks per day Linoleic acid (g) SE Linolenic acid (g) SE
<1c/ 17.3 0.7 1.6 0.1
1 17.9 0.9 1.7 0.1
2 16.4 1.2 1.5 0.1
3 18.6 1.6 1.7 0.2
4 27.6 4.6 2.9 0.6
<1c/ 14.1 0.5 1.4 0.1
1 13.9 0.9 1.5 0.1
2 12.4 1.5 1.3 0.2
3 13.9 3.5 e/ e/
4 e/ e/ e/ e/

a/Standard error of the mean.

b/Excludes salt added at the table.

c/Greater than 0, but less than 1.

d/Excludes pregnant and lactating.

e/Coefficient of variation is greater than or equal to 30 percent.

Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2000

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in Moderate Drinkers