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PDR Document Holdings and Organization

On this page:

About the Docket Files

The PDR staff maintains a collection of more than 2 million documents in hard copy and/or microfiche. The majority of these documents relate to the licensing and inspection of nuclear facilities and to the use, transport, and disposal of nuclear materials. Although many files have been retired to off-site storage, a large portion of the collection is available only on microfiche. Microfiche was discontinued in November 1999 when ADAMS was introduced. Paper copies were discontinued in January 2000.

This information is organized into the following docket files:

Docket 27 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites
Docket 30 Nuclear Byproduct Material Licensees (These documents are available on microfiche only.)
Docket 40 Nuclear Source Material Facilities
Docket 50 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Processing Plants
Docket 52 Standard Design Certification, Early Site Permit, and Combined Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants
Docket 70 Special Nuclear Materials
Docket 71 Design of Packages for Transport of Radioactive Material and Quality Assurance (QA) Programs
Docket 72 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations

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Docket 50 Files (Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Processing Plants)

Each nuclear power reactor has its own docket number under which all documents pertaining to that facility are filed.

Each docket file is divided into categories. These categories pertain either to different aspects of the licensing process or to different document types. For more information about these categories, any user may request a free copy NUREG/BR-0052, Rev. 2, "Public Document Room File Classification System," by contacting the PDR staff. The file classification system is primarily a location guide to the paper file collection. It can be used as a general guide to types of NRC documents, but does not provide information on the location of microfiche or electronic copies.

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Docket 50 Categories

A. Application/Construction Stage Documents and Related Correspondence
B. Utility Preliminary Safety Analysis Reports (PSARs) and Amendments
C. Utility Environmental Reports, Amendments, and Related Correspondence
D. NRC Draft and Final Environmental Statements (DESs and FESs), Supplements, and Related Correspondence
E. NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SERs), Supplements, and Related Correspondence
F. Security, Medical, Emergency, and Fire Protection Plans
G. Non-Antitrust, Legal, and Adjudicatory Correspondence
H. General Correspondence
I. Financial Information
J. Insurance and Indemnity Information
K. Utility Final and Updated Safety Analysis Reports (FSARs and USARs) and Amendments
L. Limited Work Authorizations (LWAs) and Related Correspondence
M. Antitrust Review and Related Correspondence
N. Antitrust Transcripts, Testimony, and Briefings
O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Reports and Related Correspondence
P. Operating-License (OL) Stage Documents and Related Correspondence
Q. Inspection Reports, Civil Penalties, Responses to Bulletins and Information Notices, and Related Correspondence
R. Periodic Reports, including Operating Reports
S. Licensee Event Reports (LERs), Reportable Occurrences (ROs), Preliminary Notification of Occurrences (PNOs), Preliminary Notification of Safeguards Occurrences (PNSs), and Related Correspondence
T. Transcripts, Testimony, and Briefings on Non-Antitrust Matters
U. Executive, Congressional, and State Government Correspondence
V. Licensing of Operators and Related Correspondence
W. Decommissioning Stage Documents and Related Correspondence
X. On-site Storage of Low-Level Waste and Related Correspondence
Y. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSIs) and Related Correspondence

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Non-Docket Files

The PDR also maintains files of non-docketed materials that are categorized as--

1. 10 CFR 9.7--Commission Meeting Transcripts and Reports
2. ACRS--Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Documents
3. ADVCM--NRC Advisory Committees
4. Commission Correspondence
5. Contracts and Grants
6. Export/Import Licenses for Nuclear Facilities and Materials
7. FOIA--Freedom of Information Act Requests, Responses, and Appeals
8. Generic Technical Issues
9. Inspection and Enforcement Issuances--NRC Bulletins, Information Notices, Circulars, PNOs, PNSs
10. Inspection Manual
11. I&E Misc.--Draft Generic Communicatons
12. Miscellaneous
13. NUREG--NRC-Issued Reports, Conference Proceedings, Brochures, International Agreements, Reports, and Related Correspondence
14. ORG--Correspondence with Professional Organizations, Government Agencies and Associations, and NRC Offices
15. Part 21--Construction Deficiency Reports per Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 21
16. PRM--Petitions for Rulemaking
17. PROJ--Projects
18. Press Releases
19. PR--Proposed and Final Rule
20. QA999--Vendor Quality Assurance Inspections
21. Registration of Certificates for Sealed Sources and Devices
22. Regulatory Guides
23. RES--Research and Technical Assistance Reports
24. REV GRP--Research Review Groups
25. RM--Rulemakings
26. SECY Papers--NRC Reports and Staff Papers Prepared for Information or Approval of the Commissioners
27. Speeches
28. State Programs
29. Topical Reports and Related Correspondence
30. WASH--AEC-Issued Formal Reports and Related Correspondence
31. WIR--Weekly Information Reports
32. WMRES--Waste Management Contract Reports and Correspondence
33. EXPORTLIC--Export and Import Licenses

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