GE Consumer & Industrial spans the globe as an industry leader in major appliance, lighting and integrated industrial equipment, systems and services. Providing solutions for commercial, industrial and residential use in more than 100 countries, GE Consumer & Industrial uses innovative technologies and "ecomagination," a GE initiative to aggressively bring to market new technologies that help customers and consumers meet pressing environmental challenges, to deliver comfort, convenience and electrical protection and control.

Announcements for Participating Organizations

Every year, we ask partners to renew their commitment: Join the 2009-2010 Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR Campaign.

Cumulative Savings

These savings numbers include member organizations savings.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (lbs.) 51,063,693
Dollars $4,103,214
kWh 28,332,728
BTUs 64,256,895,690

Past Success:

The Change a Light Campaign

Cumulative Total Pledge [2006 – 2008]
# of Pledges 45,124
# of Bulbs 372,000
Energy Savings 104,904,000 kWh
Cost Savings $9,756,072
*Greenhouse Gas 152,148,000 lbs.

* pounds of emissions prevented