
Audio News Release: Postal Service Performance Scores


National on-time performance scores for the delivery of First-Class Mail set another new record during the spring and early summer months — 97 percent on average for on-time delivery. This is highest score ever set by Postal Service employees. In fact, Postal Service Consumer Advocate Delores Killette says delivery service scores reached record highs for all three categories the Postal Service tracks…


These record delivery levels are the direct result of employees all across the country working as a team to provide excellent service to our customers. We are committed to providing our customers with the level of service they have come to expect. Our scores remain strong and we’ll continue striving to make them even better.


Service performance is measured independently by IBM Global Business Services and based on the time mail is deposited into a collection box or lobby mail chute until it is delivered to a home or business.

(Preceding audio courtesy of U.S. Postal Service)

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An independent federal agency, the U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that visits every address in the nation, 146 million homes and businesses, six days a week. It has 37,000 retail locations and relies on the sale of postage, products, and services to pay for operating expenses, not tax dollars. The Postal Service has annual revenues of $75 billion and delivers nearly half the world’s mail.