Gulf War Illness

A Guide to Gulf War Veterans' Health

Document developed by the Veterans' Health Initiative that provides information on health issues associated with service in the Persian Gulf. Also includes information on health care for Veterans and their families, clinical trials, research studies, risk factors, disability compensation and outreach.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Military and other high stress occupations suffer an inordinate occurrence of medically/psychiatrically unexplained fatiguing illnesses that are similar to CFS (e.g., Gulf War illness). The Centers for Disease Control has a CFS Research Program assessing The Health Impact of Chemical Exposures During the Gulf War.

Gulf War Studies

Results of surveys of workers in Kuwait City in May 1991 and of firefighters in the oil fields in October 1991 conducted by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal agencies. Provides links to a definition of Gulf War Illness as well as research studies on topics related to health issues associated with deployment in the Persian Gulf region, including those resulting from smoke from oil well fires, birth defects associated with service in the region, cognitive function among Veterans, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) in Persian Gulf Veterans and cancer among Veterans.

Gulf War Syndrome

Information on testing of service members and Gulf War Veterans for Gulf War Syndrome.

Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

Provides information for Veterans, their families and others about VA health care programs related to Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. Also includes links to reports, including annual reports to Congress, and other publications about health issues associated with deployment in the Persian Gulf. To locate the nearest VA Medical Center or for general health questions related to Gulf service, call the VA Gulf War Veterans Information Helpline at 1-800-PGW-VETS.

GulfLINK - Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses

Provides online access to medical and other documents from the 1990-1991 Gulf War in order to provide Service Members, Veterans and others with information on possible health effects of Gulf War service. The site also includes a link to medical information, including medical evaluation programs, medical records and relevant medical research and publications.

Institute of Medicine Projects & Reports Related to the U.S. Military & Veterans

Contains a list of current projects and reports concerning the U.S. military and Veterans, including the Institute of Medicine's work on Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome.

Institute of Medicine Study on the Long-Term Consequences of Brain Injury

An Institute of Medicine assessment on the the possible long-term health outcomes of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Details outcomes that might be associated with mild, moderate, and severe injuries including neurologic, endocrine, psychologic outcomes, in addition to problems with social functioning.

MedlinePlus for Veterans

Resource page on Veterans and military health from the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health that provides comprehensive information ranging from lost limbs to head injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, rehabilitation and recovery, directories, organizations and more. Also available in Spanish.

Recently-published Gulf War Illness-related Research Articles

Research relevant to Gulf War service and exposures.

Report on Gulf War Illness

Discusses an October 2008 preliminary report by the VA Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, which has been sent to the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM) for independent review. The report asserts the existence of Gulf War Illness and identifies potential causes.

Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

VA's research advisory committee makes recommendations regarding medical research on Gulf War illnesses by the U.S. government.

VA Gulf War Veterans Information

Gulf War Illness information, studies and resources.

VA Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illnesses - Links

Provides links to information about Gulf War Illnesses from VA, DoD, National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control. Links contain information about illnesses connected to the Gulf War as well as to treatment resources and benefits available to Veterans.

VA Special Health Registry Examination Programs

Provides information on health registries for eligible Veterans to determine if health problems may be related to environmental exposures during military service. Registries include Gulf War, depleted uranium, Agent Orange and ionizing radiation.

War-Related Injury & Illness Study Centers (WRIISCs)

Three WRIISCs - located at the VA New Jersey Health Care System (East Orange Campus), the VA Medical Center in Washington, DC, and the VA Palo Alto Health Care System in California - provide specialized health care, research, education and outreach for combat Veterans with difficult to diagnose conditions, including Gulf War Illness.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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