Your Search Results

15 items matched your search criteria

  • Minnesota Food Assistance Program

    Helps low income people buy the food they need for good health. You apply for benefits by completing a state application form.

  • Disability Minnesota - Benefits Information

    A single entry point to Minnesota state agency benefit programs for people with disabilities.
  • MinnesotaHelp Disability Link

    Information and resources for people with disabilities in Minnesota on a variety of topics including assistive technology, housing, health care, employment, independent living, etc.
  • Telephone Service Discount Programs

    Provide low-income individuals with new telephone service installations and monthly telephone service discounts.
  • General Assistance Program

    Serves as Minnesota's primary safety net for single adults and childless couples. The GA program provides monthly cash grants for vulnerable persons whose income and resources are less than program limits.
  • Consumer Directed Community Supports

    A unique service option that gives persons more flexibility and responsibility for directing their services and supports, including hiring and managing direct care staff.
  • Disability Linkage Line

    A free, statewide, information, referral and assistance service to help people with disabilities, chronic illnesses and their representatives connect to community services. Call 1-866-333-2466 during regular business hours and specialists will provide one-to-one assistance to help you learn about your options and connect with supports and services.
  • Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs

    Information on programs and services available to military veterans in Minnesota, including the State Soldier's Assistance Program, which provides cash assistance in the form of shelter payments (rent and mortgage), utilities and personal needs grants to veterans who are unable to work as a result of temporary disability.

  • Workers' Compensation in Minnesota Division

    Works to assure, in an equitable and impartial manner, the quick and efficient delivery of statutory benefits to injured workers at a reasonable cost to employers.
  • Minnesota Work Incentive Planning & Assistance (WIPA)

    If you receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration and are interested in working or learning more about how working would affect your benefits, you can get help from a community organization known as a Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project.