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Brownfields and Land Revitalization

The sustainable reuse of previously contaminated property is an important goal of EPA’s hazardous waste cleanup programs.  EPA’s Enforcement Office encourages the cleanup and revitalization of contaminated properties by clarifying Superfund liability concerns and implementing the landowner liability protections.


Types of Contaminated Sites
State Voluntary Cleanup
Landowner Liability Protections
Enforcement Tools that Address Liability Concerns
State and Local Government Acquisition

For a long time, concerns about potential liability under the Superfund law (the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (“CERCLA”)) may have discouraged people from acquiring and revitalizing contaminated properties.  In 2002, Congress created landowner liability protections making it possible for people to revitalize contaminated properties without incurring liability under Superfund.

Coordinating with Other Offices

EPA’s Enforcement Office supports the revitalization efforts taken by other EPA offices and assists in making determinations about brownfields grants and awards. 

EPA's Brownfields and Land Revitalization Web site contains information on:

EPA's RCRA Brownfields Prevention Initiative provides descriptions, official documents and links for a variety of topics related to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Brownfield topics.

Land Cleanup and Revitalization Popular Resources

Civil Enforcement | Cleanup Enforcement | Criminal Enforcement

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