Join Your Local PCC  
The PCC program is designed to benefit both the USPS and all size business mailers by improving communications, solving local challenges, and disseminating best practices for cost-effective and more profitable mailings. Currently, most local PCCs include large business mailers, government agencies, and business mail service providers. However, small businesses stand to benefit more from PCC membership. Small businesses are less likely than larger organizations to have full-time mailing professionals with the expertise to optimize mailing operations. That’s where PCC membership helps. Small business mailers that want to learn how they can take advantage of USPS products, services, tools, and resources to help grow their business should join a local PCC. PCC membership provides you with the opportunity to:

Learn from postal experts about marketing through the mail
Find new sources for mailing lists. Printing, database management, and more
Get discounts to major mailing industry events
Network with other mailers, business mail service providers and USPS executives to discover new ways to make your mailings more efficient and profitable
Hear first-hand from other decision-makers on how they deal with the same challenges you face
Leverage best practices to improve mailing effectiveness, efficiency and profitability

Locate a PCC
If you are interested in becoming a PCC member, join your local PCC. There are hundreds of local PCCs nationwide, so chances are there is one in your area.

Locate a PCC Event
Find the next PCC networking event in your area.