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MPTQM Certification Process  
As part of the MPTQM certification process, the US Postal Service® conduct on-site audits to verify mailers continue to meet MPTQM standards. The initial audit is requested by the mailer once the company has successfully completed the necessary steps listed below. Recertification audits are conducted every three years to ensure that mailers continue to meet MPTQM standards. Surveillance audits are conducted each year except for the year a recertification audit is conducted.
Register for MPTQM
Register to participate in the MPTQM program.
Register to participate in the MPTQM program.

Certification Process
Implement the full MPTQM program
Perform three self-assessments at 30-day intervals. Self-assessment guidelines are outlined in the MPTQM guide obtained from this website.
Submit two sets of hardcopy procedures and two electronic copies of procedures. Send to: MPTQM Program Manager 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Room 2P846 Washington, DC 20260-0846
Correct inconsistencies and make necessary changes
Prepare for certification and select team to meet with auditors
Provide available dates for on-site audit
Participate in on-site audit
Report will be sent to the mailer via email and if approved, a letter with certificate to mailer

Get onsite assistance
Several consulting firms are available to help you implement the MPTQM program at your business site.

Corporate Management & Marketing Consultants
PROMAX Consulting Services
Total Mailing Consulting Group

  Related Services & Links
View the Certification Process Flowchart in MPTQM Forms and Documents
View the Scoresheet in MPTQM Forms and Documents