Dr. Michele Barnard : NIDDK

Dr. Michele Barnard

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 2DEM, Room 751
6707 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892
Tel: 301-594-8898
Fax: 301-480-3505
Email: barnardm@mail.nih.gov

Current Position:
Chief, Special Emphasis Panels Section I

Dr. Michele L. Barnard has been the Chief of the Special Emphasis Panels Section I in the Review Branch at NIDDK since January, 2004. She has been a Scientific Review Administrator in the Branch since January, 2000, and has been with the NIH since March, 1997. Dr. Barnard earned her degree at the University of South Alabama and completed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, and the University of South Alabama. She then held faculty positions at Middle Tennessee State University and the University of Illinois, Chicago (as an adjunct at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center), before joining the NIH as a Senior Staff Fellow. Her research interests include endothelial and epithelial permeability, ion pumps and channels, and the role of activation of leukocytes and subsequent oxygen radical generation on tissue injury in sepsis and ischemia/reperfusion injury. Dr. Barnard serves as the NIDDK Review Branch Web Liaison, Review Branch representative to the Diabetes Complications Working Group, and as the NIDDK Qualify of Work Life Coordinator. She is a member of the Review Branch Best Practices Committee and the NIDDK Web Redesign Committee. NIH-wide, she worked on the R18/U18/R25 Mechanisms SF424 Transition Workgroup and the QuickHire Working Group. Dr. Barnard also regularly takes part in applicant training workshops, presenting on the role of the SRA in the peer review process and participating in mock study sections.

Page last updated: September 01, 2007

General inquiries may be addressed to: Office of Communications & Public Liaison
Building 31. Rm 9A06
31 Center Drive, MSC 2560
Bethesda, MD 20892-2560
For information about NIDDK programs: 301.496.3583

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