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ESI ToolbarQuery LocationQuery AttributeMetadata ViewerReport GeneratorDevelopment History

ESI Tools Development History

The following is a list of the changes that have been made to the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) tools, which you can use to view and query the ESI atlases that are published in ESRI's geodatabase format.

Query by Location Tool (LayerSelect.dll)

  • April 3, 2009: Version 2.1.2. Modified the set soc dat field display so it wouldn't crash with Southern California atlas or other older atlases that do not have the standard fields.
  • December 9, 2008: Modified to work with older ESI atlases that have only 4 breeding categories, such as the atlas for Delaware Bay. Changed the version number to 2.1.1.
  • April 2, 2008: BioLayerSelect was renamed LayerSelect (vs. 2.0). It has been modified to allow selection and querying of the human-use layers (Socecon Points and Management), as well as the biology layers. There was also a potential bug fix, where, if large numbers of data records were selected, there was a risk of an overflow error.
  • August 7, 2007: Updated to allow setting visible fields when the Biofile data table is not open. Changed the version number to 1.4.
  • April 11, 2007: Changed the version number to 1.3.
  • March 12, 2007: Modified to correct a fatal error that sometimes occurred if the Biofile window was not opened when you tried to set the fields to be displayed. The version number was also changed to 1.2.
  • August 30, 2006: Modified to allow you to work with grouped layers and with layer files exported from the geodatabase project for use inside another ArcMap session.
  • March 17, 2006: Updated to correct problems that existed in the tool originally released. The problems occurred when the Biofile data table was not visible.

Query Biology by Attribute Tool (BiologyQuery.dll)

  • April 2, 2009: Version 2.1.2. Modified the breed category captions to suggest checking metadata for validity of breeding definitions. Added code to select only the biofile records that meet the selected criteria and have objects on the selected layer (i.e., it won't select bird records that link to map objects in the next layer if the user had selected the bird layer to query).
  • March 19, 2009: Updated code to properly handle queries for species names containing apostrophes. Previously, selecting a species name with an apostrophe would cause the tool to crash. Changed the version number to 2.1.1.
  • April 2, 2008: BiologyQuery (vs 2.1) has been optimized to respond more quickly to queries. There was also a potential bug fix, where, if large numbers of data records were selected, there was a risk of an overflow error.
  • October 30, 2007: Modified to accommodate ESI atlases that use numeric concentration values in the seasonality monthly fields. A query for species present in a particular month will now return the species that have concentration values, as well as those that have the more standard "X" (that is, "present") designation. Changed the version number to 2.0.
  • April 11, 2007: Changed the version number to 1.2.
  • October 25, 2006: Modified to correct a problem that caused the tool to crash when the Biofile data table was not visible.
  • August 30, 2006: Modified to allow you to work with grouped layers and with layer files exported from the geodatabase project for use inside another ArcMap session.

Report Generator Tool (RARReport.dll)

  • January 27, 2009: Modified to correct a bug that affected the shoreline report generation when working with an ESI map in NAD 83. Changed the version number to 4.1.0.
  • December 9, 2008: Modified to allow users the option of generating a report of the selected ESI shoreline segments. This option yields a list of the ESI types selected, their length in meters, and the total length of shoreline selected. Changed the version number to 4.0.
  • October 30, 2007: Modified to fix an error in which the first record selected in the Biotable was not exported when the option "Include all selected records" was chosen. Changed the version number to 2.0.
  • May 7, 2007: Added a feature that allows the Threatened/Endangered status to be included in the summary of unique species selected. Changed the version number to 1.1.
  • March 29, 2006: Updated to correct a problem that existed in the version originally released. The new tool handles the case in which no Biofile table records are selected, and allows you to exit the tool dialog.

For More Information
  • Geodatabase Data Download ESI data in a geodatabase format, which can be used in ESRI's ArcMap product.
  • ESI Specialist Contact our ESI Specialist for more information about the ESI Tools and ESI mapping in general.

Tool Downloads
  • ESI Toolbar Download the latest versions of all of the ESI tools together in the ESI Toolbar. Updated January 27, 2009.
    (Software format: Zip, size: 274.4 K)
  • Query by Location Tool Download the latest version of this tool. Updated December 9, 2008.
    (Software format: Zip, size: 44.6 K)
  • Metadata Viewer Tool Download the latest version of this tool. Updated February 27, 2006.
    (Software format: Zip, size: 11.6 K)
  • Report Generator Tool Download the latest version of this tool. Updated January 27, 2009.
    (Software format: Zip, size: 37.3 K)

ESI ToolbarQuery LocationQuery AttributeMetadata ViewerReport GeneratorDevelopment History
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