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Best Practices and Program Improvements Expected to Result from the State Review Framework (PDF) (27 pp, 204K, About PDF)
EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, the ten EPA Regional Offices, the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) Compliance Committee and state representatives from each of the ten regions worked together to develop a tool to assess state compliance and enforcement programs. The tool is known as the State Review Framework (SRF). One of the goals and anticipated benefits of the SRF reviews is to identify and share potential best practices. This report highlights examples of best practices based on information included in 25 SRF reports finalized as of May 2007. It is called the "First Edition" because it will be expanded after SRF reports are finalized for the other states.

Federal Facilities | National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) | International | State | Tribal

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