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Home arrow Working with Section 106 arrow ACHP Case Digest arrow Spring 2005 arrow Florida: Demolition of Properties in the Pensacola Naval Air Station
Update/Closed Case:
Florida: Demolition of Properties in the Pensacola Naval Air Station

Agency: U.S. Navy

As reported in the winter 2005 Case Digest, 2004 hurricane Ivan seriously damaged many of the Pensacola Naval Air Station’s National Register properties. The installation includes five historic districts, numerous individual properties, and a National Historic Landmark District.

Recently, the ACHP signed an agreement that will help ensure that the U.S. Navy, which plans to demolish some of the damaged properties, gives the Pensacola Naval Air Station’s premiere structures the attention they deserve.

Damage to a structure in the Pensacola Naval Air
Damage to a structure in the Pensacola Naval Air Station Historic District, FL (staff photo)

In March 2005, the proposed project’s consulting parties concluded a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that allows for the demolition of damaged structures to proceed, but secures Navy approval to re-evaluate 16 premiere historic buildings to determine what treatment is warranted.

Under the MOA, the Navy will develop “preservation analysis” reports that assess the 16 buildings’ importance to the landmark district, structural conditions, and treatment options. The MOA includes a detailed dispute resolution provision for the 16 buildings, which requires the ACHP to address any disputes by the project’s consulting parties over the Navy’s proposed disposition of a building.

The MOA requires that: 1) the Navy seek funding to carry out critically needed updating of its Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan for the Pensacola Naval Air Station; 2) the repair and rehabilitation of historic structures will be done in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s rehabilitation standards; 3) a program for interpreting the important history of the naval air station will be developed; and 4) documentation of demolished buildings, standard archeological provisions, and administrative stipulations will be included in the project.

In March 2005, the ACHP signed the MOA. In upcoming months, the consulting parties will meet to help inform the Navy’s development of the preservation analysis reports.

For background information on this case, see the winter 2005 Case Digest.

Staff contact: Don Klima

Posted August 31, 2005

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